Membership Directory:
Our Membership Directory is distributed electronically in March of each year. If you have not recieved yours, or would like to request a new copy, please submit a request to: secretary@waac-us.info
Other Publications:
Loss Compensation Symposium Postprints: no longer in print.
A Guide to Handling Anthropological Museum Collections: is available in either English or Spanish (Guía para el manejo de colecciones antropológicas de museos). This humorous guide to the "do's and don't" of collections handling was written by Nancy Odegaard and illustrated by Grace Katterman.
- Soft bound: 41 pages. $10 each including postage, $8 each in quantities greater than 10.
WAAC Newsletter : back issues and a 10-Year Cumulative Index (1979-1988, Volumes 1-10) are available for purchase. - Back issues through September 1992 (14/3) and the Index cost $5.00 each.
- Back issues January 1993 to September 2007 (15/1-29/3) are $10.00 each.
- Issues beginning with January 2008 (30/1) and after are $15.00 each. A discount will be given to libraries seeking back issues to complete a "run."
* Electronic versions of back issues of the WAAC Newsletter from 1979-2019 are available online.